It’s all about you my friend…

There comes a time in your life when you realize that there is no one coming to save you. NOPE. There is no Calgary coming to rescue and/or save you from yourself. You my friend are all that you need!
You are the catalyst, conductor, magician, puppeteer, coach whomever it is that you wish to refer to yourself as that will bring you to a halt to get the message loud and clear. YOU are the only one that in fact is in control of your destiny. You first have to commit to yourself. Yes it is time for you to finally wrap your arms around the fact that this is your train and you need to take control of the wheel.
It’s time for you to stop procrastinating. Stop focusing and utilizing all of your energy on others who are probably not worthy of your support let alone your endless devotion to propping them up 24/7. All kidding aside. How long will you continue to keep putting yourself on the back burner and placing other’s needs before your own? Answer: Forever or until you have an obstacle that will take your breath away and create a necessary detour to save yourself from your own train wreck.
Sometimes the obstacles and Tsunami’s that are placed directly in our path can be the best thing that could have happened “for us”. Notice I didn’t say happen “to us”. That’s because we have the luxury of being placed within a learning situation and can either rise to the occasion or we can ignore it and just keep repeating the lesson years on end.
Our existence in this beautiful universe is comprised of a free will system. So we are all indeed the agents of changing our own personal journeys. This is good and also bad because we continuously want to place blame upon others for our own mishaps. But our lives are deeply rooted in the choices that we make for ourselves. We need to begin to accept fault for our own choices and lack there of. Shifting the blame to others typically does not solve any of the situations that we have gotten ourselves into. It simply delays them.
Time is not promised to anyone. So you must take your power back by exhibiting some self preservation of your own soul. It’s time to get selfish and show up for yourself and participate now in your own journey to the fullest. When you flip the sript and put your soul at the top of the agenda you will be creating a shift for not only yourself but for your circle.
When you make that shift you are creating your space to grow up and out and in doing so you will have more of yourself to help others. It is a “win-win” situation for all. By showing up every day for yourself you will be much happier and when you are your vibration will be raised to attract more of the same. When you feed your soul every day doing what you are meant to do and sharing your gifts with the world… you will not be as depleted emotionally and you will no longer resent those who you can still assist on YOUR terms.
No one is asking you to drop everyone and not support others ever again. You simply need to re-evaluate your priorities a.k.a. (YOU) and how you should be spending your time. 90% on others and only 10% on yourself will crash the train. So flip the script and distribute the load more evenly across the carts. You can do this because it is all about self preservation my firend! Make yourself a priority and shift that weight.
You are here in this lifetime to meet others and contribute from your highest and greatest self. Life waits for no one and your contribution is needed now.
Let’s see you rise up and out at your full capacity. I know your wingspan is a lot bigger than you have shown us.
Blessings upon you.
Lady M