The Circle of Healing has returned for this powerful month (Registration for new month)will begin soon for MAY! The new month will begin soon). Yay! I will be offering a way to receive healing on a regular basis for the entire month to clients that are interested from the comfort of their own homes. I feel that this option is critical for many people even more so now after our pandemic. Many people have limited mobility and our still in recovery mode. I don’t wish for anyone to be suffering in silence when they could be getting assitance on their healing journey. We all have very hectic schedules between work and caring for others, etc. but that should not prevent you from receiving the healing that you need or staying on track with your wellness journey. Reiki is the perfect way for you to keep balanced in your life. I know personally that Reiki allows me to maintain my balance which is why I practice daily self reiki. Reiki remains at the core of my existence to keep me balanced mind body soul. This is how I show myself self care. Please show yourself some love and join me in the CIRCLE.
I wish for all souls to remain vigilant with their own self care and this is my one offering that I think can be beneifical to all. By becoming a member of the CIRCLE of HEALING you will enjoy four (60) minute long distance sessions during the month. This service is open to everyone no matter where you are located. I will be sending healing to the group that have signed up each month at a previously scheduled time. The energy healing you will be receiving is even stronger than if in person. This is because it is sent by my intention and comes directly to you via the universe. I am just the conduit and unlike an in person session the energy does not pass thru me first. It goes directly to you the recipient. All for a mere $88.00 monthly fee which means that each session is only $22 (a steal)! Less than $100 for (4) weekly sessions during the month. For a month of healing less than your monthly tab at Starbucks which is a small investment in YOU to keep you in balance.
I love to provide these group healing sessions because they are very intense and beneifical to the recipients. Read about DISTANCE HEALING on my ALL THINGS REIKI page. This is not a video session and the energy will flow to you irregardless of where you are physically located. When you receive reiki on a regular basis you will soon expereine a shift in your overall wellbeing.
The Cirlce of Healing is for those who are commited to their healing journey and would like to experience the beneifits of what reiki has to offer. The registration shows your commitment to your own wellness journey. Resgistration opens on April 30th. Grab your circle membership easily right here Circle or contact me to get regsitered another way before month healing begins on May 8th and I can share all the finer details of when/how the sessions will take place. You must register every month it is not auto renewal. I look forward to working with you in the CIRCLE OF HEALING. So please become a member of Lady M’s Tribe of Healing. Your Mind, Body and Soul are waiting for balance……See you in the Community of the Circle of Healing. ~~ Blessings to you~~
~~ michele@reiki4soul.com ~~