Greetings Dear Souls….
It has been quite some time since my last post.

I actually love to write and find it extremely cathartic for me and I journal every day. I enjoy starting the day off with journaling and grtitide pages. It’s my happy time. I have been told for most of my life that I am meant to be seen and heard but I have ignored it. More importantly that I must not stay in hiding.
So… I am attempting to get back to my center by sharing more because I feel that others can beneift from words that I share. I do not claim to be more knowledgable than any other soul. I simply desire to make connections with like minded souls. I do feel the need to attmept lift others up as much a s possible. It hurts me straight to my core to watch any soul suffer needlessly.
We are all traveling at different speeds on our own separate journeys however are lanes do intersect with others periodically. We are meant to live together in peace and thrive collectively. Not create division amongst ourselves. We all have far more in common with one another than we can ever imagine. We tend to cover our truest versions of ourselves in shells and create barriers out of fear and project false images of ourselves. We we go thru our daily lives based in fear creating these false versions of ourselves. If we can learn to just exist and not to waste soooo much of our time wondering about how others percieve us then we can just LIVE!
If we just stay centered in our purpose and discovering what we have in common with others vs how we are so diffeent from one another we would exit freely and happily. When we eliminate the division the lines can then become blurred and nonexistent. This will be a god thing. You don’t have to agree with everything that another soul has to say but we are all entitield to share our thoughts and dreams. More importantly we need to respect one anothers voices. We each have our own unique gifts to offer our Universe in this lifetime.
I challenge you to come back to center and offer the version of yourslf that you are so desperately trying to hide. What are you really afraid of? That you may discover other souls which share even more of your thoughts thatn you imagined. Don’t judge youself too harshly because you will project that judgment onto others about yourself. Allow yourself to have some grace and come back home to center and remember that you are here and I see you and you are simly divine! The universe will match you energy and soul desires when you live in gratitude, acceptance and joy towards yourself amd others. You chose to be here in this lifetime and it is a spectacualr time to be alive! We are at the presipis of something phenomenal being created and you are here to help build it.
Stand tall and proud and let your inner light become your outer light and shine one!
Sending you oceans of love and waves of healing today and every day. I look forwrd to seeing you again soon. Check out my IG feed for new things to come down the pike soon.
Blessings upon you beautiful soul.
~ Lady M ~