Thank you for landing here and I hope that something resonates with you!
Who is Michele Portlock, RMT? I am a Reiki Master Teacher, intuitive coach, lightworker and empath.
My mission is quite simply to assist you on your journey of life by offering reiki healing to naturally restore balance to your life. It is my wish to help as many people as I can through the beautiful healing energy of “reiki” otherwise known as “laying of the hands”. I am a Certified Reiki Master Teacher (RMT) who utilizes the traditional Usui Reiki system created by Dr. Mikao Usui. In my practice I work one on one with my clients in private sessions. I also provide a weekly reiki clinic for those who are not familiar with reiki to allow them to “test drive”. Please visit WORK WITH ME page for details. I offer ongoing support to my clients as they begin to transition back to wellness.
Reiki is for EVERYONE not just those who may have physical ailments. It provides a beautiful form of deep relaxation and most importantly overall peace. There are many benefits that reiki can provide for you.
Being a Reiki Master and Teacher does not mean that I have “mastered” reiki but simply that I have obtained the highest level of reiki which is the “master level”. The next step is teaching which is what I do as well for those people who have experienced reiki and want to learn how to give reiki to themselves as well as to others. If you are interested in becoming a practitioner please contact me to discuss.
I am certified in Reiki levels I, II and Master Level. My lineage is as follows: Dr. Mikao Usui ~ Takata ~ Phyllis Furomoto~ Claudia Hoffman ~ Mary Shaw ~ Christine Henderson ~ Bruce Way ~ Ariane McMinn ~ Mona Khalaf ~ Michele Portlock).
I am also an Intuitive Coach offering private coaching sessions to my reiki clients now as well. I facilitate the healing process naturally to restore your balance. My intutive gifts allow me to work wih you on an even deeper level with coaching. I partner with my cleints to discover what areas of their physical, emotional, spiritual or mental bodies are out of alignment. By helping you to identify patterns and beliefs that are not serving your highst purpose you can begin to live a joyful and healthy life as you were intended to. By combining reiki energy with my empathic and intuitive gifts I provide full circle healing. We are not here to suffer but are here to enjoy our lives living at our highest potential.
I have had many professions across many industries including human resources, recruiting, retail management, advertising, real estate sales, biotech/pharma and life coaching. However the common thread has always been the one on one interaction with my clients. Working one on one with my clients on their healing journeys’ has been the perfect match for me. Seeing the joy come back into my clients’ lives is rewarding for both my clients and myself.
I volunteer my reiki services in several other facilities on a regular basis. I also spent many years with Brigham and Women’s Hospital as one of their first volunteers in the Reiki Volunteer Program when the pilot program started now 10 years ago. I regularly participate in reiki shares and related holistic events to stay connected to the community and other practitioners from diverse alternative modalities.
Thank you again for landing here. Everything happens for a reason and hopefully something resonated with you. Now the question is “How can I help you?” You deserve to be happy and healthy just like me! Are you feeling a little out of balance physically, emotionally, spiritually? Allow me to bring clarity and joy back into your life.
Contact me today to get started on your wellness path. I am here to restore your natural state of mind, body and soul. I would be honored to partner with you by bringing balance back into your life. Today is the perfect day to begin your wellness journey. My hand is reaching out and waiting for you to connect by allowing me to partner with you. ~~Namaste~~
~~ www.reiki4soul.com ~~ 781-228-1915 ~~Michele@Reiki4Soul.com ~~