Some people might have you believe that “energy” is just a thing for “Woo-Woo” people.. There couldnt’t be anything further from the truth.
Energy is what runs the Universe and also each and every one of our bodies. We are all fueled by energy whether we choose to beleive it or not. But let’s take a deeper step into the abyss and talk a minute about the energy that is descending upon and all around us literally today!
Today, June 17th, 2019 an extermely powerful energetic portal opened up for us. That incudes YOU too my lovelies. The planets are experiencing a Galactic alignment that will propel you forward by the power of your intentions. Everything is being shifted to allow for our greatest expansion! You have been working toward your shift and alignment for a long time now my friend. This is what you have been working for and it is fast apparoaching.. The time is NOW….. you are ready to birth that which has been your deepest desires.
You have the power within you to walk away with the golden prize my friend. If you have spent the last six months or years espeically focusing on being and living in your TRUE and AUTHENTIC self. Then this is your moment. This moment is when you absolutely CAN walk into your new world and allow the universe to support all of your efforts. It’s time to trust and believe in the TRUTH that you know it to be and not the version that someone else wants you to believe. You know in your heart the difference between the two just by leaning in to your intuition.
The fabric of your existence was woven many years before you arrived. But your truth is only known by you. You have wanted to walk in your truth for many years but have been afraid of being ridiculed and/or feeling that you may not be capable of living up to some false expectation. You have had glimpses of your “utopia” while engaged in what you feel is your calling.
I am here to tell you that YES you are capable of so much more than you ever imagined. When you strip down to your soul and expose your authentic blueprint to the world… You will discover that you have had the knowledge, gifts, power all along. You have always encompassed this truth… You simply needed to go thru many lessons in order to discover it…. its always been there.
Do not beat yourself up…because that is an uneccessary form of anger and a waste of your own energy. Your life is a journey which needs to take many roads and paths and everything is large in part about the choices that we make. One choice that we have is always how to live our LIVE our lives. You can either live your life “out loud” and walk in your TRUTH or you can walk around in a fog and just exist and live other perople’s lives.
Now let’s get back to our energy talk. Now is the opening of an amazing portal that can transcend you to living and walking in your truth for once and for all. The energy has been cleared and you just need to choose to stand in your truth at this time. There have been years of lessons that you have endured. Think of all the “setbacks” if you choose to call them that which you have endured. All the situations that you were in that felt absoutely hopeless and never ending. Well guess what?
You are still standing and you made it. You are here because you have maintained your focus and now is the time to get crystal clear on WHO you really are for once and for all. You can walk straight down the path skipping along your road when you hold your head high and walk your truth. So now I ask you. Who are you? Truly? What is your core existence? Let us see you as if for the first time as your authentic self.
I know you have so much to share with the world and we are ready to see you as the raw unedited version. I know you are fabulous….. Your light can no longer be dimmed.. Your truth is ready to emerge and you can now shine brightly thru all the BS that has been covering you up. Allow yourself to absorb this beautiful energy and create the expansion of your soul that you have been waiting for!
Welcome home.
Lady M