Commit to your desires!
These are new, beautiful and intersting times that are now upon us. We are experiencing a plethora of shifts at the present time and they are occuring at exponential speeds and simultaneously….
Yes we have landed in 2018! Yes….We have had already had two super moons and a blue moon, etc. We begin each new year with certain expectations and hopes and committing to making things different. For many of us including myself, we do not subscribe to putting all of our energy into creating “New Year Resolutions”. But insted to making life resolutions and starting to see changes in how we are going to live the rest of our days along our journey. It does not mean that we need to have all the answers at that exact moment. The key is to commit to your destiny and remain committed beyond just one month. We often want to fold and throw the towel in because we reach a hiccup along the road when things are not falling into place perfectly after the first month.
Well here is a newsflash.. All greatness tends to occur after much heartache, loss and trials and tribulations. Typically not just once either. Why should things comes to us at a drop of hat? If that were the case then we would never grow and expand. Our lives would be very short also I imagine. We grow by learning from our mistakes that we have made along the way and choosing to move forward regardless. Choose to proceed against all odds that are presented before you as a distraction. Just step up and over and around all of them. When you can begin to trust yourself first and listen to your own intuition by remaining laser focused… you can create your own miracles.
This will occur because you are actively choosing to create and hold the space for your personal mission and goals. When you say “yes” to yourself and begin to partner with the Universe the magic truly begins. As you gain confidence and begin to trust and believe in yourself and your intuition the Universe responds and reaffrms by rewarding you with all your dreams. Honestly.. everything awaits you.. you simply just need to tap into your higher purpose and get clear on your goals. Literally things can begin to manifiest in an instant when you choose to believe in yourself… Synchronicities begin to occur to let you know that you are on the right path.
One way to assist you in staying on your course is to stay aligned with those souls that are living and breathing the same higher ground as you. Don’t ever succumb to quick fixes by lowering your standards. This tends to happen when we engage in the comparison game with friends and colleagues. Stay in your own lane by focusing on your own utopia. What is good for your friend, sibling, co-worker, etc may not be in your best interest. We are all here to light the world up wth our own gifts and shine our unique light as bright as we can.
Keep your eyes on the prize by staying true to yourself and your own authentic voice and vision for YOU!. We do not need carbon copies of other souls. This Universe is big enough for everyone to have their own space and voice to contribute! Peeople are finally awake and now coming to the realization that the world does not solely rotate around their lives. So stay awake and aware of your mission and purpose. Love yourself by staying true to who you really are and why you decided to committ to being here at this unique time!
The Universe is patiently awaiting to partner with you to bring you all that you ever desired! Tap into it and trust yourself. Commit to your destiny! Blessings of love and light to you.
~Lady M~